I'm PJ by Lyn
 I was created on December 22, 2003 by Lyn
You can adopt PJ and her friends But first read my TERMS, Send an email to homeoftaylorca@yahoo.ca with Lyn's PJ Dolls in the subject
Which doll you would like, your name, email, web site address {only valid addresses will receive her} Like all my dolls, PJ's only live in Family Friendly Places.
This is what we did at the party
I'm PJ
PJ Party
We listened to Avril on the CD Player
Here's PJ listening to the stereo

Watched Spike on Angel
Talked on the Phone
We had so much fun
*oOo* PJ's Toy Friends *oOo*
*oOo* PJ's Friends *oOo*

Designed by Lyn