Contest Fun


I have one contest at the moment

Snow Bunny Doll

Christmas Doll Contest ClosedView the Beautiful Dolls

Here are the rules, gotta have rules right?

1. Using someone bases, give them credit.

2. Each contest will have their own specifics.
Never X-rated dolls.

3. No copying others work, copy/paste, cloning, and so on,
you must draw it out to be original.

4. No spam voting, very unfair, and if I find out you have done this,
instanting disqualified.

5. Each contest will close, when I have received 10 dolls
or if a date is set.

6. Voting will begin on the day after the contest closes.
I will notify you.

Send your wee dolls to ~Lyn~
***To control spam, you will have to REMOVETHIS_ from email addy***

7. Include your Dolls Name Your URL Your Name

My contests are listed at the following

Daisy's Gaby's Monsum
Robin's Serendipity Dollz

Have some fun, and enjoy the season.

Please include one of these tags when you adopt one of my dolls
or would like to link to me

link to