
Do you believe?

The day finally arrived, when Holt
would see if his wing had mended.
There were no guarantee's,
with spider web healing,
but it was the only thing Holt knew of.
So I put my hand in the basket and Holt climbed on,
and for the first time in two weeks
he saw my cottage again.
His legs were a little shakey
but his wings looked strong and mended.
He would sit for awhile,
just to get used to not being on his tummy
Holt had his breakfast sitting up,
I could see him getting stronger,
and the colour come back to his cheeks.
The wee faeries seem to heal quickly
Probably out of necessity, living in the forest
made them a hardy group.
I could see him, the odd time testing his wings
just a little flutter,
he was exercising them too
He would leave the spider web in place,
at least until it rained.
I asked Holt, what I should do next

He asked me if I would put him on the mantle
so his could test his wings
Well, here goes,


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