
Do you believe?

If you are all finished child
Would you like to sit outside?
Seeing the Wandering Faery, is a beautiful site

Oh yes, I would love to see the Wandering Faery
As I sat in the garden, it was so peaceful
Watching all the faeries, enjoy the beautiful night.
Some were dancing
Some were picking Lily of the Valley & buttercups
My little friend was playing the flute
It was so peaceful, here
Then all of a sudden, from out of nowhere
The excitement was unbelieveable
You could hear them singing and laughing
And talking amongst themselves
Something was about to happen
They were so excited
Then I saw it, a trail of sparkles and lights

And they were following the most beautiful faery
Could she be the Wandering Faery?
She would be the most beautiful of all
I sat very still and waited,
She first visited the faeries on the ground
And then she went up to the faery I had first spoken to
I knew they were talking about me,
just by the way they would turn and look at me
Then she flew over towards me, I was so nervous
She didn't speak, but somehow I understood her
I told her my story,
how I had become lost and how the faeries had taken care of me,
until she had arrived

So, you would like to go home?
That is easy enough
Just a wee bit more of dusting and I will fly you home

You mean, you will fly me to where I live?
You know where I live?

Yes child, I know more about you, then you know

So the Wandering Faery,
sprinkled some of her magical faery dust
and I could fly
I knew then, no-one would ever believe me

Your mother will

And with that, off we flew
I turned and thanked the wee faeries
for their kindness
And before long, I was at the steps to our cottage
The Wandering Faery sprinkled some more of her faery dust
And just as suddenly
I grew back to my proper size
And in a sea of glitter,
she was gone
Now I must face my parents.


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