
Do you believe?

When Holt saw my cottage,
he got really excited
he said he had been here before
and there was a little girl
that would leave rose petals
for the faeries.
But he hadn't been here for a long time
and the little girl was probably gone
I laughed, I was that little girl
I wasn't gone, just grew up
He laughed too, he knew then
that I had always known there were faeries
I told him, how I had met the Wandering Faery
when I was lost and she had returned me safely home
the same as my mother too.
I thought maybe she might show up
I'm pretty sure she still watches out for me.

In the meantime, I had put Holt on the mantle,
I knew my kitten was around here somewhere
so I would have to make sure Holt was safe
And he would have to lay on his tummy,
while his winged healed
and not be moving around
I know, my basket, it has a lid
and I wouldn't have to touch Holt to move him
just pick up the basket.
So our plan was in order.
When I had to go and gather things for Holt
I would put the lid down,
so nothing could get after him.
After I got everything put away and settled
I put Holt back on my shoulder
grabbed my basket and candles

and headed out the backdoor to find
some berries or mushrooms and a spider web
by the time we get back, it would be dark


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