Do you believe?

Finding the mushrooms, was pretty easy,
and the berries weren't to hard to find
 but with the amount of rain we'd had the spider web was another story. I looked everywhere and so did Holt There just didn't seem to be any around. Holt suggested we go back to the cottage and try again in the morning light I would have to get up early anyway, dew was only around for a little while but for to-night he said he would be fine. Brave little guy, his wing had to hurt but he never complained.
As we reached the cottage door
to my surprise, there in the doorway was the spider web
 that Holt would need to fix his wing. Seems we didn't have to leave to find what we were looking for, afterall. I put my things down, and held Holt in my hand, and he backed into the web. He stuck to the web and I had to take the web off the sides of the door. His wings were pretty sticky, so I gently put him in the basket and just flopped on his tummy. He sure didn't look very comfortable to me. But I know, this is how he will stay for two weeks. So I picked up the basket and carried him in the cottage
at least he would be warm. Holt would sleep in my room with the lid down on the basket, I still haven't seen my kitten.

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